Arm Lift

Loosening in the arm area creates aesthetic problems even though they are not functional.

Excessive weight gain or aging are shown as the most basic reasons for these loosening.

It is possible with arm stretching aesthetics to give a tight and tense appearance to the sagging areas.

Women who get rid of sagging and deformities with arm lift aesthetics feel more comfortable in social life.

It is possible with arm stretching aesthetics to give a tight and tense appearance to the sagging areas.

What is Arm Lift Aesthetics?

Especially as age progresses, the skin in the area of the elbow, called the biceps, is suitable for sagging. Sagging skin causes many women to change their daily habits and behaviors; because sagging becomes more evident when the arm is moved upwards or when clothes are worn that will expose this area. Fortunately, today, thanks to arm lift aesthetics, this problem can be solved without the need for people to change their lifestyles. The known name of arm lift aesthetics in the medical literature is brachioplasty.

Why is Arm Lift Aesthetics Performed?

Sagging of the arm skin usually develops depending on age. But some hereditary factors are also considered as the cause for the formation of sagging. Changing eating habits or applying regular exercise programs after these saggings appear will not help tighten the skin. The most common areas of sagging are the back and inner parts of the arm. Because these areas are much looser compared to other parts of the arm. Rarely, sagging may be accompanied by a condition such as fat accumulation. Arm lift aesthetics not only helps individuals to gain a more aesthetic appearance by eliminating these defects, but also helps them to have self-confidence and to continue their lives in a much happier way.

Preparation Stage Before Arm Lift Surgery

As before every aesthetic operation, there are some procedures that should be applied before arm lift aesthetics. In addition to the physical intervention performed by the doctor, various tests and analyzes are performed. With these tests and analyzes, it is investigated whether the patient is suitable for arm lift aesthetics. In this process, patients should provide detailed information about both the chronic diseases they have and the drugs they use for these diseases. Oral feeding should be discontinued 6 hours before the operation.

Methods Used in Arm Lift Aesthetics

Arm lift operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. The anesthesia method is decided according to the operation area and the condition of the patient. Operations performed under local anesthesia are usually performed in a small area and are terminated quickly. Therefore, the recovery time is also short. However, for patients under general anesthesia, both the operation time and the recovery period can be long. While patients receiving general anesthesia stay in the hospital for 1 night, patients receiving local anesthesia can be discharged on the same day. Non-surgical liposuction method can be used in arm lift aesthetics. However, in cases where the severity of sagging is high, surgical intervention is required. The details of the methods used in arm lift aesthetics are as follows:

Fat Injection

In this method, also called liposuction, there is no scar on the body of the patients. Because there are no incisions or stitches. It is not possible for patients to feel unbearable pain or pain during the procedure. Fat injection, which is an extremely comfortable method for patients, is ideal for slight sagging.

Arm Lift Surgery

In cases where the severity of sagging is high, surgical intervention is required. At the same time, this method can be applied when the patients' body does not have enough fat for injection. The surgical method can be used alone or in combination with fat injection. In this procedure, which is performed under general anesthesia, an L-shaped incision is made on the inside of the arm to remove excess fat with the liposuction method. An aesthetic suture is then placed on this incision. Depending on the patient's condition and the application area, the operation takes between 1 and 3 hours on average.

Post-Operation Recovery Process

Patients may have vague pain after surgery. Mild painkillers can be used if the pain increases. Regular use of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor after the operation helps to reduce the severity of pain. In some patients, the doctor may insert a drain for 2-3 days to prevent the accumulation of fluid or blood under the skin. After removal of the drain, patients can return to their daily lives within 2-3 days. In order for the healing process to take place smoothly and quickly, it is of great importance for patients to pay attention to the following points:

  • The arms should be kept up for a few days,
  • Compressed bandage applications help reduce problems such as edema, bleeding or swelling,
  • Heavy lifting, strenuous exercise or activities are prohibited for several weeks.
  • It may be recommended to use an arm corset for 3 weeks,
  • Smoking should be stopped,
  • A regular and healthy eating habit should be developed,
  • You can take a warm shower during the day,
  • At the end of 1 week, you can return to normal life,
  • Heavy sports activities should not be started before 1-2 months,
  • You do not have to go to have the stitches removed because the aesthetic stitching is applied.

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