Any lesion that does not normally exist on the skin and that occurs later carries the risk of skin cancer, so it is extremely important to perform the necessary examinations in a timely manner.
Surgery applied in the treatment of skin cancer helps the patient to regain his health by completely removing the cancerous cells, however, such applications should be done without disturbing the integrity of the skin and the lesions in the visible areas should be repaired aesthetically.
Skin cancer is a type of cancer that is usually easily treated with the right intervention and early detection.
Skin cancer is the name given to the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of skin cells. Accordingly, any condition in which tissue, color and size changes are observed on the skin carries the risk of cancer. Conditions such as excessive exposure to sunlight and genetic factors increase the risk of cancer. Due to various reasons, the DNA of skin cells begins to deteriorate and cancerous cell formation is observed. Skin cancers are generally examined in 2 main groups:
Melanoma skin cancers are rare but serious cases that have the danger of spreading to all organs in the body, internal and external.
Cancers that are less likely to spread and are treated with small and simple operations are classified as non-melanoma cancers. In this type of cancer, which is less dangerous, treatment is very easy, especially in the early stages.
The basis of skin cancers is excessive exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun, and the use of ultraviolet lamps and tanning cosmetic products also increases the risk of cancer. The risk of skin cancer is increasing due to the depletion of the ozone layer around the world, however, the following can be listed at the beginning of the factors that increase the risk factors:
Besides these;
It also has a higher risk of skin cancer. Therefore, for early treatment, the shape, color and tissue changes on the body should be followed closely.
Skin cancer is a type of cancer that is usually easily treated with the right intervention and early detection. Since there are various changes on the skin in this process, it is extremely important to follow up and regularly control these changes in treatment.
In general, the risk of skin cancer is also high in the presence of conditions such as:
The development of such lesions should raise the suspicion of skin cancer. Lesions that do not resolve spontaneously within 2-4 weeks and cause pain or bleeding carry the risk of cancer. In addition to these, changes in any mole in the body also harbor a suspicion of cancer. The following changes in body moles are warning and require urgent investigation:
In case of such skin deformations, moles and other tissues should be examined immediately. If the diagnosis of skin cancer is made, surgical procedures are applied to remove the lesion or mole.
Skin cancer surgery; In general, it varies according to skin type, cancer stage and area in the body. If the cancerous area is small, surgical removal can be completed in a short time under local anesthesia. However, general anesthesia is required to remove more advanced or large cancer cells.
During the removal of small-sized skin cancers, different applications such as scraping, cell destruction with electric current and tracking the cells by freezing can be used.
Surgical surgery is performed to remove large-sized cancer cells. During the procedure, all of the cancerous structures on and under the skin are removed, and in some cases additional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy may be required.
When deciding on the treatment of skin cancer, it is also very important to consider the deformity of the lesions on the skin and to prefer plastic surgery methods for this. Especially during the removal of cancerous cells in visible areas such as the face, the process must be completed reconstructively. For this, the most appropriate treatment for the person is determined by specialist plastic surgeons. Thanks to the applications, it is possible both to remove cancerous structures from the body and to preserve the integrity of the skin at the end of the procedure. For the fastest treatment, it is recommended to start the consultation process with the physician when the shape or size change on the skin is noticed.