Fibroblast Injection

Fibroblasts, which are the basic cells of connective tissue, have important functions in the body. The production of collagen and elastin, which gives shine and flexibility to the skin, is carried out by fibroblast cells.

Fibroblasts, which are of great importance in the process of renewing the damage to the skin and treating the wounds, form the basis of a young and healthy appearance. For this reason, fibroblast injections, known as the technique of using the body's own fibroblast structures in rejuvenation processes, are often preferred in cosmetic applications.

Fibroblast therapy used for cell rejuvenation is a non-surgical procedure.

What is Fibroblast?

Fibroblast; Youth vaccine is a rejuvenation method called with different names such as autologous fibroblast, fibrocell or cell renewal. In addition, it is widely used in orthopedics, dental diseases and eye treatment. The basis of the treatment is based on the system of multiplying one's own fibroblast cells and re-injecting them into the tissues in need. This technique, in which the natural structures of the human body are used, is a very safe and almost zero allergic reaction method. Animal products are not used during the reproduction of fibroblast cells, so no disease or side effects occur in the body.

How is Fibroblast Injection Used in Rejuvenation?

Depending on age, the skin begins to wear out, loses its elasticity and brightness, and loses quality and quantity. Due to these changes, the face shape loses its former form and becomes more tired and disfigured. As the self-renewal capacity and elasticity of cells decrease over time, the effects of aging become more noticeable. Wrinkles around the eyes, drooping of the cheekbones towards the cheeks, prominent rim lines and drooping of the eyelids are typical aging effects. With fibroblast treatment, in addition to eliminating the effects of aging, other skin deformations such as acne formation, burns and scars are also removed.

The basis of such aging effects is the loss of fibroblast structures that increase the regeneration capacity of cells. Fibroblasts support the production of elastin and collagen structures that make the skin look thick and tight, but the structure of these cells deteriorates over time and the skin begins to wear out. Thus, the skin loses its vitality, tension and health and ages. Fibroblast injections, on the other hand, eliminate the effects of aging on the skin by enabling the body to regain these lost structures naturally. It provides the renewal of the skin layers by supporting the skin to gain elasticity and tension. This treatment, which has the FDA approval of the USA, is a safe and successful rejuvenation technique.

Advantages of Fibroblast Therapy

Fibroblast therapy used for cell rejuvenation is a non-surgical procedure and is applied for purposes such as wrinkle reduction, eyelid lifting and tightening, neck tightening, skin tightening and brightening, and removal of stretch marks and scars. In addition, it is a good alternative to lip fillers as it helps the lips look fuller and basically offers the following advantages:

  • Fibroblast is a natural technique since it is obtained from the person's own tissues, it does not cause any allergenic effects in the body.
  • Side effects are almost zero.
  • The results obtained at the end of the application are natural and permanent, the effects last for a long time.
  • The success rate is higher than other similar applications.
  • It is non-toxic and non-carcinogenic.

In addition to all these, fibroblast treatment is long-term and since it is based on the regeneration of cells, the main effects occur over time. For this reason, living habits are affected by many factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, stress, water consumption, age and exposure to sunlight.

  • pregnant women
  • Breastfeeding
  • Those with nervous musculoskeletal diseases
  • Those with skin disease in the application area
  • Those who use blood thinners

How is Fibroblast Injection Performed?

Fibroblast injections are a treatment that primarily requires the reproduction of one's own tissues. Therefore, the treatment stages are completed in a few steps.

  • Obtaining fibroblasts; It covers the procedures of reproducing the cells taken from the back of the ear, in the groin area or under the arm in a laboratory environment and in a sterile manner. In order to increase the success rate, the areas least affected by the sun are preferred.
  • Produced cells are passed through quality control processes in accordance with FDA and Ministry of Health conditions. Cell replication process is completed in 3-4 weeks.
  • After successful reproduction of cells, it must be injected into the person, before the application area is anesthetized with local anesthetic creams.
  • Fibroblast cells are injected into the needed areas with the help of special needles. In some cases, techniques such as graft and cell spray can also be used.

In order to increase the success rate of the application, it is necessary to protect from sun rays and avoid tanning, especially in the early period. Basically, using high factor sunscreens prevents damage to the area. In addition, methods such as applying cold compresses to the area after the procedure and avoiding heat are also effective in increasing the effects of the treatment.

When Do The Effects Appear?

The results of fibroblast injection vary according to the age of the person, genetic factors, environmental factors and nutritional habits. In addition, the expertise of the physician in the field and the density of the fibroblasts used change the duration of the effect. In the fibroblast cell renewal technique applied in sessions, the first results are noticed right after the session, but mainly begin to appear after the second session. The number of sessions can be arranged according to the needs of the person, and the resulting effects continue to increase for about 1 year, and the permanence varies between 3-5 years. This period may be extended further depending on the improvement of living conditions.

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