One of the most suitable areas for fat accumulation in the human body is the waist circumference. All of the factors such as unhealthy eating habits and sedentary life increase the rate of fat in the abdomen.
Although it is possible to get rid of excess fat in the waist area as a result of conditions that cause rapid weight gain and loss, such as pregnancy, it is not as easy to get rid of the remaining extra skin and requires surgical intervention.
This excess skin, which cannot be removed with sports or exercise, can be easily removed with abdominoplasty.
All of the factors such as unhealthy eating habits and sedentary life increase the rate of fat in the abdomen.
Abdominoplasty, also known as "tummy tuck operation", is the name given to the surgical intervention that allows the extra skin around the abdomen to be stretched and removed. Existing psychological problems can be prevented with abdominoplasty, which helps remove stretch marks, sagging and excess fat as well as excess skin in the area. Thanks to this aesthetic intervention applied using modern techniques, it is possible to give the person the desired structure by rearranging the physical form. Thanks to abdominoplasty, which is suitable for anyone who is uncomfortable with excess abdominal area, the waist line is clarified and the general appearance is improved.
Abdominoplasty surgery, whose main purpose is to provide a flat and firm abdominal appearance, is generally preferred by women, but it can also be applied to men. Anyone who is disturbed by excess skin, sagging, stretch marks or fat around the waist can have abdominoplasty surgery. People who cannot lose weight or get rid of regional fat despite diet and exercise are more suitable for this operation, but it can be applied to all patients who do not have an obstacle to anesthesia.
Generally, women who have extra skin left around the abdomen after pregnancy are the group where abdominoplasty is commonly performed. With this procedure, the abdominal skin that sags, cracks and is deformed after pregnancy is restored.
Abdominoplasty can be performed in combination with other surgeries, if necessary. This procedure, which removes excess skin and stretch marks in the waist area, also helps remove fat when done together with liposuction. Additionally, in the presence of hip and leg fat, the application becomes more effective with liposuction. As the skin of the abdomen and legs tightens, a person shrinks up to 1-2 sizes and loses weight. In addition, thanks to the rearrangement of the belly button, the abdominal area is made to look much more fit and aesthetic, which helps the person to reach the desired body form and regain self-confidence.
It is stated that the patient should wear a corset for at least one month during the tummy tuck surgery. Post-operative corset use is required. It is stated that the patient should use the corset continuously, day and night. It is stated that the use of corsets will be reduced and discontinued depending on the healing process. It takes the third month for the patient to start doing very active sports. However, it is stated that the patient can start walking from the sixth hour of the surgery.
Abdominoplasty is an operation performed under general anesthesia and completed in approximately 1-3 hours. Before the procedure, the person's suitability for anesthesia is checked by physical examination. People who are determined not to have a disability as a result of the tests and examinations are given a date for the operation and what they need to do beforehand is explained. The area should be protected from the sun and heavy diets should be avoided at least 1 month before the procedure. It is also important to stop using blood thinners before the procedure. The patient, whose values are re-checked on the date of surgery, is taken to the operating table.
Abdominoplasty surgery can be tailored to the individual's needs and applied with different interventions. The amount of skin removal and the applications to be performed vary from person to person. The procedure, which is performed under general anesthesia, is usually performed through an incision made in the cesarean section. Cracked skin, sagging skin and excess fat are removed by entering the area, and the position of the belly button is readjusted when necessary. At the end of the procedure, the incision is stitched with aesthetic stitches and the general appearance is regulated.
Since what is applied in the abdominoplasty operation is determined according to the needs of the person, the recovery process after the procedure is also variable. At the end of this operation, which generally has a positive effect on the patients' mood, the person is kept under observation in the hospital for 1-2 days and then discharged. Pain and ache complaints that occur during the early recovery phase can be relieved with simple painkillers, and over time, all of these complaints decrease and disappear. After the procedure, it is very important that daily movements, activities such as showering and return to work life are carried out according to the doctor's recommendations.
Since the stitches placed during the procedure are aesthetic stitches, they dissolve on their own and the scar left behind becomes lighter over time. Although it is not generally possible for the stitch scar to disappear completely, it becomes unnoticeable within 1 year. After abdominoplasty, the person must wait as long as the physician deems appropriate to return to sports habits and brisk physical activities.
Patients should be examined before tummy tuck surgery and it should be checked whether there is a possibility of a hernia. If the patient is suspected of having a hernia, an abdominal ultrasound should be performed to determine the presence or absence of a hernia. Before the surgery, the patient should be checked up to determine whether there is a risk to anesthesia and it should be determined that there is no risk to anesthesia.
Abdominoplasty, which improves body appearance and allows the person to achieve the body they dream of, is extremely effective in eliminating problems in the abdominal area and is therefore frequently applied. Especially people who lose self-confidence due to extra skin in the abdominal area can achieve the body they desire thanks to this procedure. The permanence of the application generally depends on the nutrition and sports habits maintained after the procedure. As a matter of fact, even if the procedure is successful, regional fat problems may reoccur as a result of unbalanced eating habits or insufficient exercise. For this reason, patients are advised to eat healthy and exercise regularly after abdominoplasty. Since the risk of regional fat in women is higher than in men, especially female patients should pay more attention to this issue. In addition, getting pregnant again after the procedure increases the risk of the problem recurring.
Here are the basic issues to consider after Tummy Tuck:
People who follow the doctor's recommendations and pay attention to their eating habits can recover as soon as possible after abdominoplasty and maintain the aesthetic form for a long time. In order for patients to complete the process satisfactorily, it is necessary to work with an expert and experienced physician in abdominoplasty applications.
Abdominoplasty surgery generally consists of removing excess fat and skin tissue in the lower abdomen, tightening the abdominal muscles and tightening the skin tissue. The process usually consists of the following stages:
Details of the tummy tuck operation may vary depending on the individual situation of the patient and the desired result. Therefore, it is important to have a detailed consultation with an expert plastic surgeon before the operation.
There is no obstacle to weight gain or pregnancy after tummy tuck surgery. However, after the patient undergoes surgery, weight gain and loss will cause sagging in the abdomen again. Therefore, the recommendation to the patient is that if they are planning a pregnancy, they should have this surgery after pregnancy.
Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure in which excess fat and skin tissue are removed, abdominal muscles are tightened and skin tissue is tightened. There are many experienced plastic surgeons performing tummy tuck procedures in Istanbul. This procedure is generally a suitable option for individuals who have sagging in the abdominal area after birth or excessive weight loss.
Abdominoplasty can usually take between 2 and 4 hours, and the patient's recovery process may vary depending on personal factors. This procedure, also known as Tummy tuck, provides permanent results but should be supported by healthy living habits and regular exercise.
Abdominoplasty costs may vary depending on the details of the procedure to be performed, the location of the clinic and the experience of the surgeon. It is important to contact an expert plastic surgeon for detailed information and consultation.
A tummy tuck is a more comprehensive procedure that addresses both excess fat and skin, while liposuction aims to remove excess fat in specific areas.
❗️ Skin laxity cannot be treated with liposuction, so it is not recommended for people who have it.
👉 On the other hand, people with excess skin and fat in the abdominal area are recommended to have abdominoplasty, especially if they have recently undergone significant weight loss.
Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to remove excess fat and skin tissue in the abdominal area, usually after childbirth or significant weight loss.
During this procedure, sagging skin and fatty tissue in the lower abdomen are removed, reshaping and tightening the abdominal muscles. Patients usually have a flatter and tighter abdominal area after the operation, which can increase both their aesthetic appearance and their self-confidence.
Many plastic surgeons in big cities such as Istanbul perform such procedures successfully and ensure patient satisfaction. The costs of abdominoplasty vary depending on the details of the procedure and the location of the chosen clinic. In general, such surgical procedures can provide successful results with the right consultancy process and the guidance of a specialist surgeon.
Karın germe, karın bölgesindeki fazla yağ ve deri dokusunun cerrahi olarak çıkarıldığı bir estetik cerrahi işlemidir.
Tummy tuck işlemi sırasında, alt karın bölgesindeki fazla yağ ve deri dokusu çıkarılır, karın kasları sıkılaştırılır ve cilt gerdirilir.
Genellikle doğum sonrası veya kilo verme sonrası karın bölgesinde sarkma olan kişiler için abdominoplasti uygun bir seçenek olabilir.
İstanbul'da karın germe işlemi yapan birçok deneyimli estetik cerrah bulunmaktadır. Uzmanlığı ve hasta memnuniyeti önemli faktörlerdir.
Karın germe operasyonu genellikle 2 ila 4 saat arasında sürebilir, ancak bu süre hastanın durumuna ve işlem detaylarına göre değişiklik gösterebilir.
Tummy tuck sonrası iyileşme süreci kişiden kişiye değişebilir, ancak genellikle birkaç hafta içinde normal günlük aktivitelere dönüş sağlanabilir.
Evet, karın germe işlemi genellikle kalıcı sonuçlar sağlar. Ancak sağlıklı yaşam alışkanlıkları ve kilo kontrolü bu sonuçların korunmasında önemlidir.
Ağır obezite problemi olan kişiler veya ciddi sağlık sorunları bulunanlar için tummy tuck uygun olmayabilir. Bu durumlar detaylı bir değerlendirme gerektirir.
Karın germe işlemi için genellikle sağlıklı kiloda olan, stabil bir kilo geçmişi olan ve sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzına sahip olan adaylar uygun olabilir.
Tummy tuck operasyonu maliyetleri, yapılacak işlemin detaylarına, kliniğin konumuna ve cerrahın deneyimine göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Detaylı bilgi için kliniğinizle iletişime geçmek önemlidir.